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Re: Bug#60979: What /etc/init.d/xxx restart does?

On Thu, Mar 23, 2000 at 04:39:47PM -0600, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
>  Radim> Better is to define new standard as found in some packages:
>  Radim> restart=method 2
>  Radim> force-restart=method 1
>         That may violate the principle of least surprise. I would find
>  it strange if restart didn't start the service. 

    I would also be surprised if restart didn't start a service.
Especially if I was calling it because I suspected that something
might have killed it, but didn't feel like weeding through ps to find
out when I could just restart it with no problems.

>         I do agree that these two behaviours are valid, and are
>  required in some situations. What I do not have a handle on yet is
>  which is the more common case, and thus which should be the default
>  behavior. 

    I browsed /etc/init.d briefly.  Overwhelmingly, no checks are made
to see if the service is running.  When a check is made, it is
generally to see whether or not the service needs to be stopped before
being started, not to see whether a start should be made.  Granted, I
only made a brief perusal, but I didn't see any cases where restart
would not have started a package that wasn't running.

>         Either we need restart+force-restart, or we need a
>  restart+maybe-restart. 

    I suggest "static-restart", static in the sense of not changing
current behaviour.

Zed Pobre <zed@debian.org> a.k.a. Zed Pobre <zed@resonant.org>
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