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Re: Bug#32263: Unexpected use of /cgi-bin/

> > What will break most is packages that use /usr/lib/cgi-bin, and they can
> > be fixed before the next release of Debian so as to make the entire
> > transition appear seamless.
> Sure, the scripts will move and they will still work in and of
> themselves, but what about all the hard links from webpages on their
> site to scripts in /cgi-bin that are debian cgi scripts installed by
> packages. If we suddenly change it to /cgi-lib then links to all the
> debian installed cgi's are now broke.

If it has been coded as this, fixing it is trivial...  Place symlinks
in the new /cgi-bin/ (assuming that isn't how it has already been done)
to the scripts in /usr/lib/cgi-bin.  You could even ask to do this
during the upgrade procedure of apache.

> Yes, I have linked /home/www/cgi-bin to /usr/lib/cgi-bin for mere
> convenience, but I keep all of my scripts, debian and custom, in
> /usr/lib/cgi-bin. Any web master would want to keep _all_ of his/her
> cgi's in one place for the sake of simplicity. Most sites don't have
> more than 10 scripts, and the ones that do probably have completely
> bypassed the entire setup from debian and configured their own custom
> layout any way, so our 'fix' is of little use to them.

But that's part of it...  Cgi scripts added by packages are _not_ part
of "all of his/her cgi's".  They were installed by the system.

                                  ( bcwhite@pobox.com )

 Don't marry someone you can live with.  Marry someone you can't live without.

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