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Re: prc-tools

A really long time ago I wrote:
    >> The prc-tools maintainer (me!) is doing exactly that.

>>>>> "Darren" == Darren/Torin/Who Ever <torin@daft.com> writes:
    Darren> Do you know when this might be ready?  prc-tools 2.1 pre 1
    Darren> is out.  I'd be willing to help test it if you need that.

>>>>> "Ben" == Ben Darnell <ben@thoughtstream.org> writes:
    Ben> Any idea when this might be ready?

This is mostly done (and I admit should be a lot more done).

The problem is bug #78745.  It is not possible to build the prc-tools
package without using a PalmOS SDK (well, it is but the package is
completely useless as then doesn't contain any target libraries).
However, none of the SDKs I have allow redistribution in any form,
meaning I can't upload the source tarball for the prc-tools package
meaining I can't upload the binary packages either.

I have contacted JohnM at Palm to see what can be done about releasing
a redistributable SDK so that prc-tools could at least go in non-free.
I'm still waiting to hear from him; his page on
<URL:http://www.advogato.org> suggests he may be in New Zealand still
and so possibly without email.


"So if she weighs the same as a duck, she's made of wood."... "And
therefore?"... "A witch!"

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