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Re: Can packaging be based on upstream git tags without CPAN tarballs?

On Mon, 03 Feb 2020 08:03:37 -0700, Sean Whitton wrote:

> I'm currently working on converting some local Perl code into a module
> for public release.  I intend to upload it to CPAN, mainly for
> discoverability, but obviously what I really care about it is uploading
> it to Debian :)

Nice :)
> I would like to base my packaging on my upstream git tags, and not
> import CPAN tarballs.  I.e. for an upstream release, I would upload to
> CPAN, but the orig.tar would be a `git archive` of my signed git tag,
> not the CPAN dist tarball.  And d/watch would point to my git repo, not
> to CPAN.

Out of curiosity: Why? Which big advantages do you see with this
> Is it okay with you all for me to effectively pretend the package does
> not exist on CPAN for the purposes of pkg-perl?

I don't see any real blockers, just some small disadvantages: Both
our tools and the finger memories of many of us are focused on CPAN
tarballs, so you might miss out on some minor features in tooling and
cause minor confusion among potential other contributors amoung the


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