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libjson-rpc-perl package comes with outdated description in both Debian and Ubuntu


it seems that the description ("Perl implementation of JSON-RPC 1.1 protocol") went there straight from pre 1.00 versions.
Perl modules in this package are for JSON-RPC 2.0 for the past 6 years, although legacy code for 1.1 is also included in a different namespace.
README.md (on the homepage) and Changes also point to this, so does the JSON/RPC.pm.

Asked this as a question previously on Ubuntu launchpad https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libjson-rpc-perl/+question/616223
then saw that it also affects Debian, so decided to write to the maintainers.

Could you please fix the description?

Kirill Bogdanov

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