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Re: perl stable update for testing (amd64)

On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 09:33:21AM +0100, Dominic Hargreaves wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've prepared updates for (hopefully) the next stable point release,
> and the release team would like to see a good amount of testing
> prior to an upload, which would need to happen before next weekend
> when stable-proposed-updates will be frozen.
> Sources and amd64 binaries are now at
> <https://people.debian.org/~dom/perl/jessie-update/>.
> Apart from the ~test.1 suffix they are built from an identical source to
> the latest patch in this bug report (and
> <http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/perl/perl.git/log/?h=dom/jessie-imports-from-5.20.3-take-4>               
> Please see #819758 and #822336 for background and test and report if
> you can.

Thanks for all the feedback; this has now been accepted, so there should
be an almost identical version in stable-proposed-updates now.


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