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Re: libiptables-chainmgr-perl : initial upload

On Sun, 01 Jun 2008 19:05:06 +0200, Franck Joncourt wrote:

> >> I have checked the pm file, and it seems IPTables::Parse should also be
> >> added to the Depends field. Right ?
> > Oh right, that one _I_ missed :)
> Updated on svn.

> > Is there a new upstream release without the perl-modules or is the
> > upstream source repackaged to remove them (or are they just not
> > installed for the debian package)?
> Psad is repackaged (no new upstream release) in order to work with the
> new perl modules as debian packages. So those perl modules are in the
> source code, and will stay since psad is avaliable as rpm, tar.gz or
> tar.bz2.

Fine, as long as they are not installed in the Debian binary package.
> > The usual way in the pkg-perl repo to mark a package as ready-for-upload
> > is to change the distribution in debian/changelog from UNRELEASED to
> > unstable, then it shows up in the correct category at
> > http://pkg-perl.alioth.debian.org/cgi-bin/qareport.cgi .
> Ok, I see them in the "ready for upload" section.

For obvious reasons :)

> It means I have to change my changelog to set the distribution to
> UNRELEASED to avoid any mistakes until we are sure everyting is fine.
> Again another question : Should I do that ?

Yes, please. I don't expect any harm in this case with the ready
packages and all potential uploaders reading this mial, but just to
make sure ...
> > I can do that, as soon as we are sure that we've got all dependencies
> > between the two new modules and psad right.
> Great.
> So, you will tag them afterwards.

> I have set Daniel email in the 'cc' field so he will be able to let us
> know when he finishes to check the new psad package.

Good idea, thanks.

Daniel, can you send a short note when you are ready with a new psad
package with a version >= 2.1.2-1 which doesn't install the Perl

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