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Re: Packaging perl applications [was: Pending membership requests]

Damyan Ivanov dijo [Thu, Aug 09, 2007 at 09:23:26AM +0300]:
> > Maybe there's some confusion about ack - is this a module or an
> > application? If we are talking about
> > http://search.cpan.org/~petdance/ack-1.64/Ack.pm (App::Ack) then
> > there's no question, I guess ;-)
> That one looks like a module that is only usable by the application. I
> would consider this module being part of the application (i.e. not
> deserving separate libapp-ack package etc).
> OTOH, I wonder how bad would it be to have this package in pkg-perl?
> Yes, it does not fit into the declared goals, but how much a perl-based
> application is different to a perl module in regards to packaging?
> It would be interesting to hear other's opinion about this.


I think we should stay focused to Perl modules. It's not that they are
all that different, in the end, but CPAN Perl modules have many things
in common: They have a common upstream repository, several common
packaging methodologies (Yay! Many standards to choose from! - But in
any case, it's not as varied as it could), a common RT/BTS. Knowing
how to package and how to follow one of them we can take care of the
rest. I dare you properly package several of the applications I've
written over the years (i.e. applications which have to be hooked from
Apache's configuration, using mod_perl, using a database). Yes, it's
all possible - but they (my apps) are no small part of the reason I
dropped out of the debian-webapps group :)


Gunnar Wolf - gwolf@gwolf.org - (+52-55)5623-0154 / 1451-2244
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