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Re: Perl upgrade : part 2

Le Sun, Jul 11, 1999 at 03:07:54PM -0700, Darren O. Benham écrivait:
> Best thing is to get some of those checks to me.  In that bug report you
> listed a few problems.. I need packages that generate the report and the
> actual report in question.  There are many and I don't know all of them by
> heart the way the original authors do.  For the packages, either the names
> of the package so I can get it from the archive or the actual deb if it's
> not in the archive yet.  That'd be the best help.. basicly narrowing down
> the hunt for me.

I did not fully understand what you want, do you want packages of perl
modules which does conform to the perl policy ? Which report are you
speaking about ?

You can take a look at my packages :
- libmldbm-perl is an example of non-binary perl module
- libmsgcat-perl is an example of binary perl module
- sympa is an example of perl script

If you need more information, ask !

Hertzog Raphaël >> 0C4CABF1 >> http://prope.insa-lyon.fr/~rhertzog/

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