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Re: Android SDK Tools in Debian: Call for small contributions

UPDATE: Contributions are mandatory for Outreachy applicants, as stated in [1].

[1]: https://www.outreachy.org/apply/make-contributions

殷啟聰 | Kai-Chung Yan 於 2018年03月25日 星期日 04:14 下午 寫道:
> Dear all applicants to "Android SDK Tools in Debian":
> Whether you are applying for Outreachy or Google Summer of Code, it is highly recommended (though not mandatory) to do some contributions, no matter how small or big, prior to the selection (April 17). This is for showing your determination to the project and being outstanding among other candidates.
> Please check the Wiki [1] for a list of simple tasks you can consider. Good luck!
> [1]: https://wiki.debian.org/AndroidTools/SummerOfCode2018/ApplicationTasks

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