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Bug#1019862: invisible mouse pointer: still an issue in bookworm 12.1

Hi Rene, all,

first, many thanks for maintaining libreoffice!  We are running the
KDE plasma desktop environment in our school and observe probably the
same issue here:  Especially in libreoffice draw, when selecting for
example the 'lines and arrows'-tool, the mouse pointer usually becomes
a cross and a line on the drawing area.  However, it becomes invisible
in KDE/Plasma on wayland.  I found the following related upstream bug
reports with patches already, but unfortunatelly they are not applied
to the libreoffice 7.4 series or to qt6-wayland (cc Debian Qt/KDE


The related qt6 report is here:


Best regards,



GPG key: 4096R/617B586D 2010-03-22 Andreas B. Mundt--<andi.mundt@web.de>
                                   Andreas B. Mundt--<andreas.b.mundt@web.de>
                                   Andreas B. Mundt--<andi@muandit.de>
                                   Andreas B. Mundt--<andreas.mundt@muandit.de>

         938A 5CEE 1E29 0DE2 55D9  AC98 B01F EA84 617B 586D



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