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Bug#824035: impress: adding/moving slides gets slower and slower

Rene Engelhard, on Wed 11 May 2016 17:41:24 +0200, wrote:
> > which I backported to the Debian 1:5.1.3~rc1-1
> > package, confirming that this does improve the issue a lot, though not
> > fixing it completely, but at least Impress becomes usable again with my
> > big file.
> > 
> > Could you apply that upstream patch into the Debian package?
> I plan with 5.2 for stretch anyway given 5.1.x will be EOL already
> November, 2 months before the freeze and 5.2 being released in August.
> By the freeze we'd be at 5.2.3 afaicr.

Ok, but in the meanwhile testers of Stretch will be hit by the bug.


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