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Bug#385798: openoffice.org: font hinting still does not work with the current version of libfreetype

On Tue, Dec 05, 2006 at 06:50:18PM +0100, Rene Engelhard wrote:
> Will enable this in the next 2.1 upload (2.1~rc2-2)
> Andreas: Sorry, but this is too risky to add to 2.0.4 currently (even at
> the time this bug was initially reported and the patches pointed out.
> See upstreams comment. Too much risk for a (imho) minor bug, It doesn't
> affect functionality, it just makes the thing a bit less good looking.

Perhaps, you still have certain misunderstanding of the impact of this
font hinting issue. To make it clear I have made a couple of screenshots.
I use msttcorefonts.


The only difference is that in the second case OO has been started with

It seems that I will have to keep this old freetype library at hands for
quite some time. 

These are my local fonconfig settings:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
<!-- /etc/fonts/local.conf file to configure font access -->

  Prefered fonts

			<family>Times New Roman</family>
			<family>Courier New</family>

  Turn on hinting
	<match target="font">
		<edit name="hinting" mode="assign"><bool>true</bool></edit>
		<edit name="hintstyle" mode="assign"><const>hintfull</const></edit>

  Turn off antialiasing for small fonts
	<match target="font">
        	<test qual="any" name="size" compare="less">
        	<edit name="antialias" mode="assign">



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