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Bug#286574: pressing ``Tools -> Data Sources'' cause illegal instruction

severity 286574 important
merge 286574 216848

Sjoerd Simons wrote:
> As the subject says. Doing Tools -> Data Sources has the following result:
> OpenOffice.org lockfile found (/home/sjoerd/.openoffice/1.1.2/.lock)
> Using existing OpenOffice.org
> zsh: 28352 illegal hardware instruction  ooffice

argl. This already was reported 5 times already. 3 of those bugs are the
the beginning of the important bug section (if you repeat merged bugs):

Important bugs - outstanding (40 bugs)

    * #216848: openoffice.org: [powerpc] crashes on data or bibliography
    * access
      Package: openoffice.org; Severity: important; Reported by: Lee
Braiden <jel@ntlworld.com>; Tags: confirmed, help; merged with #217218,
#233668, #257434, #271018; 1 year and 61 days old.
    * #217218: openoffice.org-bin: [powerpc] seg fault when choosing
    * ODBC data sources
      Package: openoffice.org; Severity: important; Reported by:
jason@openinformatics.com (Jason E. Stewart); Tags: confirmed, help;
merged with #216848, #233668, #257434, #271018; 1 year and 59 days old.
    * #231482: openoffice.org: No menu item text
      Package: openoffice.org; Severity: important; Reported by: "Sindhu
Kutty" <skutty@rpoptions.com>; Tags: moreinfo, sid, unreproducible;
merged with #241529; 318 days old.
    * #233668: openoffice.org-bin: Openoffice crashes with illegal
    * instruction when I try to enter to the datbases window
      Package: openoffice.org; Severity: important; Reported by: Elric
Milon <truewhirm@yahoo.es>; Tags: confirmed, help; merged with #216848,
#217218, #257434, #271018; 305 days old.

*Please* check if bugs already are reported before filing a new one.


 .''`.  René Engelhard -- Debian GNU/Linux Developer
 : :' : http://www.debian.org | http://people.debian.org/~rene/
 `. `'  rene@debian.org | GnuPG-Key ID: 248AEB73
   `-   Fingerprint: 41FA F208 28D4 7CA5 19BB  7AD9 F859 90B0 248A EB73

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