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pt-br packages and mirror

[please CC-me, I'm not subscribed]

Hello friends,

I've been talking to the people involved in translating OpenOffice.org
to pt_BR and they have just sent the translation to the people on
OO.org. They would like to have OO.org binaries with pt-br but have
no idea of when is the OO.org team going to release a version of OO.org
including the new translation.

I thought you could help us by integrating the translation on the
debian source package and creating the binary package for now. I
could help with this, though I don't know the OO.org source. Is it

Also, we have a good server here at http://oobr.querencialivre.rs.gov.br
and we could make it a mirror for the deb packages. Are you interested?
It would be good for brazilian people, I guess, we have good bandwidth
at this server and we'll have the openoffice.org.br domain very soon, too.


kov@debian.org: Gustavo Noronha <http://people.debian.org/~kov>
Debian: <http://www.debian.org> * <http://debian-br.cipsga.org.br>
Dúvidas sobre o Debian? Visite o Rau-Tu: http://rautu.cipsga.org.br

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