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Building systems

Before we start a flamewar here about building scripts, I want to
say that I'm not of the opinion that the upstream OO.o scripts
are totally flawed. 

In comparision with the state of the other OO.o code is it quite good
and useable, it just has goals total away from what building packages
for Debian has. 

Their system does quite an good job to comapile an huge pice of code,
build around the compiler errors of dozens of architectures trying 
not to interfer with strange environments to get an office suite
in one piece and doing on their own.

Theese goals make an smooth and nice build mostly impossible. If
the Right Way[tm] won't work on some hpux OS and windows, it has to
work around. As it has to cope with systems were resonable things fail,
it tend to hide important errors. 

And it uses the OO.o codebase, which is in my eyes still an Windows 
program, which is (ad be for the next at least 5 years) still be in 
the process of beeing ported to unix-like systems.

	Bernhard R. Link
The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve 
nor will he ever receive either. (Benjamin Franklin)

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