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Bug#803887: Downstream issue

Control: tags -1 + upstream
Control: found 803887 4.01-2


On 09/12/2015 12:10, Gabriel Scherer wrote:
> For the record, we checked upstream (with Luc Maranget, who wrote the
> latex->info converter used by the OCaml manual) and production of info
> files still reliable works upstream. I didn't follow all the details
> but apparently the build process produced a temporary file
> (ocaml.info.body) that might have confused Debian packagers, and Luc
> removed it from trunk:
>   https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/commit/533e0cdd29cc70773703f47acede8ee45aea5591

Can you please tell us how to test info files? So far, I've been unable to get them
working through the "info" command-line utility. All what we do in the package is to
drop relevant files under /usr/share/info. So, nothing seems specific to Debian wrt
this issue.

Also, there are a bunch of generated files, not only ocaml.info.body.gz. The complete
list is:
- `ocaml.info.hocaml.info.kwd.hind.gz'
- `ocaml.info.hocaml.info.hind.gz'
- `ocaml.info.body.gz'
- `ocaml.info.haux.gz'


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