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Proposal : tagging and upload in svn


Well there is quite a bit of activity on svn. Well, i think it should be
good to have a clear policy on tagging files for upload.

>From recent upload, i think we should follow this step :
- build and upload the package
- wait for the official accept of this package in the queue ( ie a
  message saying that all files are present )
- tagging the uploaded version :
  svn copy .../packages/XXX/trunk .../packages/XXX/tags/YYY
  where XXX is the package and YYY the version that has been accepted.

It introduce the problem, of not being able to commit during the wait
for the official notice... But it is only a matter of 1 or 2 days, i

Have you any comments on this ?

Sylvain LE GALL

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