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Re: One more idea

Quoting Maxence Guesdon <maxence.guesdon@inria.fr>:

> Hi,
> > > One idea came to my mind recently.
> > > It would be nice to have a debian package dedicated at ocaml
> > > development, including m4 macros for autoconf/automake,
> > > makefile generic targets and so on.
> Good idea have that, in a new package or another.
> <advert>
> The configure.in in Cameleon is based on Jean-Christophe's one, but
> it also checks for a specific version of ocaml installed, for example
> it can check if ocaml version is equal or greater than 3.06. It also
> works with CVS versions of OCaml (3.xX+YYY).
> </advert>

Yes, I'm also thinking of Cameleon, as well as OCamlSDL which has
also nice macros.

> Another thing that would be useful is a macro that tells whether a library
> is installed or not, since there is not yet an official way of installing
> libraries (i know about findlib but not all libs use it).

There could be some bits of findlib within macros.

> I don't know anything about autoconf macros but if nobody knows either
> I can have a look at it.


Jérôme Marant

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