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Re: Tr: [Caml-list] Announce: camlgl - OpenGL bindings for OCaml

En réponse à Sven Luther <luther@dpt-info.u-strasbg.fr>:

> On Fri, Dec 20, 2002 at 02:16:19PM +0100, Jérôme Marant wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> >   Would it be reasonnable to provide this, considering
> >   that lablgl already exists (I would volonteer for this)?
> I was thinking of doign it, but go ahead and package it, especially
> since are packaging ocamlsdl, it does make sense that you do it.
> (Especially since i don't really have time for it).
> But then, maybe you could look also at the Glut bindings that where
> announced some time back also, maybe by the same guy ?

I don't recall whether it was the same guy.

However I've downloaded the tarball and I think that the whole
distribution is pretty dirty:
- no autoconfiscation
- makefiles are poor and pentium oriented
- no main makefile

The advantage is the OpenGL 1.4 support while lablgtk supports 1.1
only. But, Mesa 5.0 is not yet in Debian.

So, I'm not in favour of packaging it right. It is not
ready for packaging, really.

> That said, you did notice my question about this on the caml list, did
> you ? It would be interresting to know what the responce is, from both
> them and Jacques.

Yes. I'd prefer that the code be added to lablgl.
LablGL has a higher quality.


Jérôme Marant <jerome.marant@free.fr>

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