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Talking about Debian-NP


After a bit of travelling around, it's time to post here a short resume
of what happened in the last couple of weeks:

 - I've been giving a talk on oct, 24 at Net User 2 conference in Sofia
   (www.netuser.cc) with this details:
     Libre software and Debian-NP
     Creating a better world for people who create a better world so that
     they can better create a better world.
     This lecture will show how to turn the audience into free software
     developers, it will show how to use this new fantastic status to
     radically turn the world into that fantastic place that everyone
     has always dreamed to live in, and it will especially show how
     italian hum= or is so different from bulgarian humor that it can
     lead to the murder of an italian lecturer.

   In the talk I covered, among other things, what Debian is and how it
   has become a huge universe of instruments one can use to build his
   own tools, then talked about Debian-NP as an example of a possible
   way to make the world better using IT and exploiting the tools
   already available.

   The talk has had positive feedback and in the next days I'll be
   putting my slides and notes online.

 - I've been interviewed on oct, 23 at Radio France Internationale
   Bulgaria (www.rfi.bg) on the same topics.  I can't tell precisely the
   questions and my impressions because the interview was in Bulgarian,
   with the questions translated to English, answered in English and
   then translated in Bulgarian, and I'm Italian.  The only things I can
   recall is that the radio studio was very nice and that people was
   very happy about the interview :)

 - I've been giving another talk at a meeting organized at CIES, Rome,
   in preparation of the World Summit on Information Society, with the
   goal of making journalists informed of what "other" interesting
   things are going on wrt IT.

   My talk was called "Come se niente fosse, piccolo studio di una
   rivoluzione silenziosa" (As if nothing is happening, small study of a
   silent revolution) and talked about potentials of free software and
   open formats and what is the situation now, including Debian as an
   example of huge, self-organized and incredibly effective community,
   and mentioning some custom debians like SkoleLinux, Debian-NP,
   Knoppix and Morphix.

   This talk also has positive feedback.  Slides and notes will also be
   online, but they'll be in Italian.

 - I'll be at the European Social Forum in Paris.  This is a nice
   opportunity to mention Debian-NP, but so far I'm not supposed to give
   any specific talks.
   If someone wants to arrange something about Debian-NP with the people
   of the FSE/ESF, I'll be happy to prepare a talk/seminar/workshop/whatever.
   If other people will be at the FSE/ESF, it'd be great to meet there!



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