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Report for 'Debian Developer, uploading' applicant Chris Boot


I recommend to accept Chris Boot as a new Debian Developer, uploading.
The account name is bootc.

 * Applicant background

I originally encountered GNU/Linux as a teenager. I was a subscriber to
a Mac magazine, being exclusively a Mac user at the time, which included
an early preview of LinuxPPC. I installed this on my Mac and was
immediately attracted by the idea of running various services in my
home, such as a web, file and email server, and loved the idea of being
able to read the source and change it to how it suited me. The rest, as
they say, is history.

I am now working as a Linux Support Consultant for an exclusively
Linux-based support and consultancy company, so I spend most of my days,
evenings and weekends working with and on Linux. In addition to work I
also run a large number of servers and virtual machines for my own use,
all of which run Debian GNU/Linux.

So far my contributions to Debian have mostly been related to packaging.
As a current Debian Maintainer I maintain squeezelite and ulogd2,
co-maintain ppp with Marco d'Itri and have been somewhat involved with
netatalk team maintenance. I have also taken part in a few BSPs and a
number of Debian social events here in the UK.

I would be hard pressed to name specific areas of interest but I think I
would tend to gravitate towards networking, storage and virtualisation
if I had to make a choice. I'm more likely to stumble across something I
care about and feel I can help with than rummage around and put my oar in.

As far as goals go, I just wish to be able to do useful things for
Debian when I have time to do them. If I can help people out and maybe
learn something new while I do it, that's great.

Note also that my work will often give me opportunities to contribute
during working hours, e.g. my time would be sponsored by my employer. I
feel that becoming a Debian Developer would facilitate this flow of


Santiago Ruano Rincón

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