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AM report for Miguel Landaeta

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I recommend to accept Miguel Landaeta as a Debian Developer.

1. Identification & Account Data
- --------------------------------
   First name:      Miguel
   Middle name:     -
   Last name:       Landaeta
   Key fingerprint: 4CB7FE1E280ECC90F29A597E6E608B637D8967E9
   Account:         nomadium

2. Background
- -------------

I was born in Caracas, Venezuela.
Nowadays I live in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

I am 28 years old and I work in a start-up company as Lead Devops Engineer
doing research and development about cloud computing and automation topics.
I have used Debian for about 8 years (since sarge!) and GNU/Linux since
more than 10 years ago (e.g. early Red Hat and Slackware).

My first contact with computers was during my childhood in the 90s when
an uncle gave me an IBM 286 as a gift. Since this was before Internet
went mainstream, I only could learn about DOS, BASIC and play very cool
videogames from that era.

My interest in free software began in 2001 some months before beginning to
attend University in order to study Computer Engineering, I remember
trying to wrap my head around FreeBSD and Linux, and finally decided for
the latter.

During my second year at the University I applied to join to a laboratory
under the jurisdiction of Computer Science department, where interested
students have the opportunity to administer real world IT infrastructure
while they learn about UNIX operative systems.

During those years I began using Red Hat, later I migrated to Slackware
and finally settled with Debian. I evolved in the laboratory from
apprentice to lead operator. During my time there I was exposed to so
many technologies, services, architectures and wonderful/skillful people,
it was like a second career to me and in that place I learned the value of
free software. One of my last projects there was to implement a migration
of workstations and servers from Fedora to Debian!

After I got my diploma as Computer Engineer, I joined a start-up founded
by people from my University. I joined as sysadmin but the position evolved
and so I was in charge of discussing, designing and implementing their IT
infrastructure using cloud computing. Almost all those servers that my
team manage there are currently running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.

Finally, after several years as user, power user and administrator, I got
interested in how to retribute a little of what I learned during all this
time so I joined debian-devel in 2006 and with just reading what happens
there I began to learn about the community, how things are developed, etc.
I was totally mind-blown with the openness and the workflow, it was truly
open and very different to what I could observe with other distributions.

My first contribution to Debian was a NMU for a very easy to fix FTBFS bug
in some random C/C++ library during the freeze of lenny. Later, I adopted
jabberd14 since it was orphaned. I updated it and it was included
in squeeze where I maintained it until two years ago or so (when it was
very obvious it was dead upstream so I had to orphan it again and ask for
removal from the archive).

Also, I began to notice many J2EE free software used by myself and by
ocassional clients but not available in Debian, so I joined Java Team and
began to package many useful software like Spring Framework and maintain
agile languages in the JVM, like Groovy.

Besides JVM stuff, I also have an interest in Python, so I maintain some
small packages related with networking protocols like DNS (namebench) or
modules to access Twitter web services / API (tweepy). I'm member of Debian
Python Modules and Applications teams.

Since so far I have gained a background with system administration,
infrastructure and cloud computing, I have an interest in Debian
infrastructure, so joining DSA in the future could be a good fit for me.
Also I would like to continue contributing with Debian with the goal of
make it the best free software platform for server side programming (Python,
JVM, J2EE, etc). Currently my biggest projects are to package Grails framework
and Groovy related software for Debian and to make Debian the distribution
of choice in cloud environments.

If time permits, I would like to contribute doing more QA tasks. I have done
a fair bit of QA work in Java team, and I would like to contribute with QA
outside my team.

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