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Re: Application for Debian Maintainership

Hi all!

Mats Erik Andersson <mats.andersson@gisladisker.se> writes:
> Dear Reader,
> this is the pledge and declaration of my intent to be accepted
> as a Debian Maintainer.
> I have repeatedly read the Social Contract and the Debian Free
> Software Guidelines, as well as the Debian Machine Usage Policy.
> I agree with their phrasing in letter and in intent.
> Currently I maintain the packages:
>     nd, netpipes, ttysnoop, twofish, w9wm, webfs, and windowlab.
> In collaboration, I maintain
>     durep, libcache-historical-perl, linux-ftpd, nettoe, and netkit-ftp.
> I have implemented IPv6-support in
>     bsd-finger, cfingerd, linux-ftpd, netkit-ftp, netpipes,
> 		nettoe, and netris.
> These are the ones where the patches have gone into the repository, and where
> IPv6 was lacking before my contribution. Further patches are still waiting
> for evaluation by the relevant maintainer. In addition, a number of smaller
> patches have been accepted, where the intent was to restore the functionality
> of the software in mixed IPv4/IPv6 environments, which otherwise might be
> disturbed by issues in address resolving.
> I have implemented code for libgnutls in "webfs", where libssl were
> inactivated in the repository. I did also implement digest-authentication
> in "nd", where only "basic" was present before my contribution.
> I have mended the RC-bug "dir-or-file-in-var-www" in
>     calamaris, cricket, doc-central, durep, htdig, iog, phpsysinfo.
> It is my intention to continue implementing and auditing IPv6-behaviour
> in Debian packages where I detect weaknesses. I have even engaged in some
> select upstream software in order to make them IPv6-able and thus enter
> the Debian maintained collection. In particular I will act as member of
> GNU Inetutils.
> My GnuPG Key
> 		 Mats Erik Andersson <mats.andersson@gisladisker.se>
>      20BB 3CCE CFE5 0A61 39A5  7E9A 1BB3 7533 4D75 0376
> is now signed by the Debian Developer
>      Ola Lundqvist <opal@debian.org>
> Finally, I do, Dear Reader, appreciate your endurance in reading this text!

    I have uploaded various packages (e.g. windowlab, webfs, nettoe) for
Mats and am very confident in the quality of his work -- hadn't anything
to complain in the last uploads. I'm sure he will do well as Debian
Maintainer and fully support his application.



9FED 5C6C E206 B70A 5857  70CA 9655 22B9 D49A E731
Debian Developer | Lisp Hacker | CaCert Assurer

A. Because it breaks the logical sequence of discussion
Q. Why is top posting bad?

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