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Re: AM report for Franck Joncourt <franck.mail@dthconnex.com>

On Tue, 11 Aug 2009 17:09:46 +0100, Enrico Zini wrote:

> 2. Background
> -------------
>    Applicant writes:

>    In the meantime, I found a nice software to work on: fwknop.
>    Unfortunately, there was no Debian package. Thus, I decided to do my
>    first package. It took me a while to make it work as I wanted, but I
>    really enjoyed it. Talking with upstream and Debian members to get
>    something nice was really a pleasure. I joined the Debian perl group
>    for that purpose and I try to help when I can.

> 4. Tasks and Skills
> -------------------

>    He is also a member of the debian-perl group, and has done several
>    uploads of various perl packages.

Right, Franck is a member of the pkg-perl group since May 2005 or so;
it was pleasant to prepare the first packages with him, and since
then he steadily takes care of them and helps out with others.
> 5. Recommendation
> -----------------
>    I recommend to accept Franck as a Debian Developer.

/me 2

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