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AM Report for Marc Dequènes <Duck@Duckcorp.org>


Report for new developer applicant Marc Dequènes <Duck@Duckcorp.org>:

1. Identification & Background

   Check with Keyid 0x90267086:

   ID Check passed, Key signed from 1 existing DD, Ralf Treinen.

   Output from keycheck.sh 0x90267086

pub  1024D/90267086 2003-03-14 Marc Dequènes (Duck) <Duck@DuckCorp.org>
     Key fingerprint = 6ADD 5093 AC6D 1072 C912  9000 B1CC D972 9026 7086
sig!3       90267086 2003-11-21   Marc Dequènes (Duck) <Duck@DuckCorp.org>
sig!2       E0BA04C1 2003-11-22   Ralf Treinen <treinen@debian.org>
uid                            The Duck <Duck@DuckCorp.org>
sig!3       90267086 2003-07-27   Marc Dequènes (Duck) <Duck@DuckCorp.org>
uid                            Marc Dequènes <Duck@DuckCorp.org>
sig!3       90267086 2003-07-27   Marc Dequènes (Duck) <Duck@DuckCorp.org>
sig!2       E0BA04C1 2003-07-31   Ralf Treinen <treinen@debian.org>
sub  2048g/2D253546 2003-03-14
sig!        90267086 2003-03-14   Marc Dequènes (Duck) <Duck@DuckCorp.org>

3 signatures not checked due to missing keys
Let's test if its a version 4 or greater key
Key is ok

   Applicant writes:
Description :
  I'm a french duck who just graduated as a computer science
  engineer. I'm begining to work in software/network developpement at
  Nerim (french internet provider).
  I began learning GNU/linux in my student residence and participated in
  network management. So i'm using GNU/Linux for about 5.5 years, and
  Debian for about 2.5 years.
  I want to volunteer my time because i think participating is the best
  way to express my point of view about freedom and user/human respect,
  about the not so important power of money, and it is a manner to thank
  people whose work i'm taking advange of.
  I'm doing my best to maintainer some packages for (i think)
  interresting softwares that were missing in the archive. I've sent
  some bug reports and sometimes participated in a patch
  elaboration. Recently i started contributing to Debian GNU/Hurd to
  help porting softwares.
  Apart from Debian activities, i'm developping with a friend a GPLed
  network administration tool called LMS.

Work for Debian so far :
  I'm maintaining 14 source packages : ircd-ptlink, ircservices-ptlink,
  opm-ptlink, arkrpg, arkhart, worlded, editobj, py2play, pyopenal,
  soya, slune, genetic, songwrite, gnusound
  I'm being sponsored by Sebastien Bacher (seb128) which is a very
  serious person (as you already know as you were once his AM).
  I've already solved some bugs, one is remaining, waiting for a
  bugreporter's answer.
  When the QA page and auto-builders are all back to work, i'll finish
  checking for FTBFS problems.

2. Philosophy and Procedures
   Marc has a good understanding of Debians Philosophy and
   Procedures. He answered all my Questions about Social Contract,
   DFSG, BTS etc. in a good way.

3. Tasks and Skills
   Marc is Maintainer of 14 packages, see above, all Packages in Debian
   sponsored by Sebastien Bacher. The ones I checked were in a good
   state, with only the usual small things which he fixed quickly.
   He also answered my other Questions regarding T&S without problems.

4. Recommendation
   I recommend to accept him as a Debian Developer.
   Account:  duck
   Forward-Email: Duck@DuckCorp.org

bye Joerg
Das Ding heißt zwar Laptop, aber das sollte man so wörtlich nicht nehmen. Ein
50-jähriger schwedischer Wissenschaftler zog sich Verbrennungen an den
Geschlechtsteilen zu, weil er das Ding bei der Arbeit auf dem Schoß hielt.

Attachment: pgpe0sgGreeBr.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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