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Re: Bug#536061: amsynth: failed to initialise JACK... aborting

Hi Nick,

If all's well I'll put out a new release of the code in the next few
days, of course it would be very reassuring to know that what's now in
svn compiles and works on someone else's machine before doing so :-)

I just built today's SVN against a locally built JACK 1.9.2 on 64 Studio 3.0 beta 3, works great!

Any other suggestions for improvements in this release would be

A long standing thing is that the amplifier release control can cause small clicks at the tail end of the envelope of the sound if it is set below about 0.005 seconds. Some of the presets, such as the default Derren 1, suffer from this. (Try running your mouse over the virtual keyboard with Derren 1 loaded, that makes it quite obvious). I guess the simplest fix is to bump up the amplifier release to a minimum of 0.01 on all presets.

I think this bug report is someone getting the same problem - I've added a comment:


Another thing I've never understood is why the interface always says Realtime: NO, even on a JACK system with an RT kernel.

I know GTK doesn't like setuid any more, there's another bug open about that, https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2820954&group_id=47275&atid=448965

Maybe the simplest solution is to remove the advice to run setuid root from the dialog which appears when starting in ALSA mode, and just advise the user to run JACK instead. They can run JACK in soft mode on a system without an RT kernel.



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