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Re: Bringing Mobian closer to Debian, again

On Thu, 2022-03-31 at 15:50 +1100, Jarrah Gosbell wrote:

> For the PinePhone Pro, the limiting factor is actually a bug causing 
> compressed initramfs over ~40MB (gzip) to fail to decompress.

Sounds like a bug in u-boot or whatever bootloader is installed?

> For many ex-Android devices, the boot partition is a fixed size and 
> quite small. For some it's so small that a standard initramfs wouldn't 
> fit, but for most the osk-sdl issue above is more than enough to require 
> this workaround. Miniramfs is then able to load a real initramfs from a 
> reasonably sized /boot partition.

Is it not possible to change the size of partitions on Android devices?

This seems like a reasonable workaround when that isn't possible.

> Unl0kr (https://gitlab.com/cherrypicker/unl0kr) replacing osk-sdl may
> help with this, but it's not ready currently and is difficult to
> package 
> due to LVGL.

Hmm, that contains embedded font copies without source code and files
(the screenshots and some of the C code) that should be generated at
build time instead of stored pre-generated in git.


> Mobian's installer and d-i both already use Calamares

I think there is confusion about d-i (the Debian installer) versus
Debian Live, which includes both the Calamares installer in the menus
of the live desktop system and d-i at the boot menu. Debian Live also
used to have a live installer based on d-i but that was fairly
unreliable and was removed. d-i is also available separately to Debian
Live as standalone images and works by creating an install from
scratch, while Calamares just copies the existing install on the live
system to disk and then tweaks it a bit. d-i is written in shell and
constructed from .udeb packages built by individual Debian source
packages, while Calamares is Qt/C++ and just depends on regular Debian
packages. The default installer image that Debian links to by default
is d-i rather than Debian Live with Calamares.



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