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Re: impromptu IRC meeting

On Mon 17 Dec 2012 14:49:14 Wookey escribió:
> > In the case of Qt4, and if I'm not mistaken, frambebuffer support would
> > mean a parallel build of Qt. Doesn't sounds too promising :-/
> Yes, but this isn't the only environment/application/set of packages
> that would find a QT-embedded build useful. QT having a less
> monlithic build process would help a lot here, which I understand
> there is onlgoing work on?

AFAIU, Qt5 will use a plugin-like system for the rendering, thus allowing one 
build to be used in different situations. But please don't take my words too 
firmly, I may be mistaken here.

porque no respeta el orden natural en el que se leen las cosas
>¿por qué top-posting es tan molesto?
>>>¿cuál es la peor molestia en los emails de respuesta?

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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