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Re: OOM while building ghc 9.4.5

On Sun, Jul 30, 2023 at 12:02AM, Jeffrey Walton wrote:
> Since the compile is failing in preprocessing, I took a look at GCC
> preprocessor options.[1]

Thanks for taking a look. Do you have any indication it fails in
preprocessing. Given how -O0 used to work, I would guess it fails during
compilation phase.

> These look like they could help:
>    * -ftrack-macro-expansion=0
>       - Don't track macro expansion. Saves memory
>    * -no-integrated-cpp
>       - invoke cc1 twice, once for preprocessing and
>         once for actual compilation of the preprocessed input
>    * -fmax-include-depth=20
>       - Normally 200, don't allow deep nesting
> And if it is an option, then:
>    * -fno-large-source-files
> -flarge-source-files is an option, but I am not sure about the -fno-*
> variant in this case.
> Finally, this may help, but I don't understand it. I have never used it:
>    * -Mno-modules
>       - Disable dependency generation for compiled module interfaces.

I can try those when I find some time, thanks.


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