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RE: Problems with multiple harddisks on my Indigo2


> cp: /mnt/redhat/kernel23/linux/arch/sparc/lib/COPYING.LIB: 
> Input/output error
> And dmesg shows:
> attempt to access beyond end of device
> 08:03: rw=0, want=959546428, limit=1888830

I have an SGI Indy, with 2 internal hard disks, a 4GB and a 1GB

I get the same thing!

> Also I'm getting a message
> sc1,2,0: cmd=0x12 timeout after 2 sec.  Resetting SCSI bus

I started getting this when I added the 2nd HD (1GB).

Bye for Now,


                     (o o)
 |  Ian Chilton                              |
 |  E-Mail :   ian@ichilton.co.uk            |
 |  IRC Nick:  GadgetMan                     |

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