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Re: Debian watch file and GitLab for Autotools projects?

On Wed, 2022-04-06 at 16:26 +0000, Eivind Naess wrote:

> The project is using ./autogen.sh to generate the configure scripts,
> et al for the project. When I got to tag and create a release, I have
> to upload the resulting tarball with the resulting configure scripts
> embedded.

Personally I would suggest not using the tarballs containing autotools
files for the Debian orig.tar and instead using tarballs that are
identical to the upstream git repository. This ensures that on Debian
you are always building the ./configure and other autotools files from
source at `debian/rules build` time.

Also review the upstream git repository to ensure it doesn't contain
embedded copies of files maintained elsewhere (those should be packaged
in Debian and added to build-deps instead), or other generated files
(those should be removed and instead created at build time.

The only potential exception to this are the copies of the licenses.



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