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Re: Feedback on post{inst,rm}-scripts?

Hi Peymaneh, all,

Thank you for working on this!

I'm not sure if there are similar packages in the archive, which build
container images; there might be no established practice and policy so

* The 'apk add' call in the Containerfile could rely on the '--no-cache'
  option, or '/var/cache/apk/*' could be dropped, in the end. Doing so
  would limit the final size of the image.

* Is there a mechanism in place to (re)build the container
  regularly, to ensure packages installed in the container are updated,
  after the initial installation?

* It might make sense to install some sort of script, which would be
  responsible to create and/or update the container.

* Having such a script in place would allow to call it after initial
  installation of the package via postinst, but also regularly via cron,
  systemd timers, etc.

* To check for Internet connectivity, GNOMEs NetworkManager fetches a
  URL (and checks the body or HTTP status code). See [1] for the commit
  which introduced this functionality in Debian.

* Related: unattended-upgrades, by default, doesn't handle updates if
  the Internet connection is 'metered', to prevent excessive data usage.
  See [2] for details.


[1] https://salsa.debian.org/utopia-team/network-manager/-/commit/6fbba288cffd647fc55817a1b2c05f04dcd1c0d2
[2] https://github.com/mvo5/unattended-upgrades/commit/a0ecfba0e6e2974e01a351d788843da54234e2e6

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