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Re: Advice needed for a strange request about getmail vs. getmail6

On Mon, Oct 18, 2021 at 08:27:51PM +0100, Sudip Mukherjee wrote:
> Hi All,
> To give a brief history, Debian had "getmail" which was based on
> Python2 and was removed. Then there was a fork available named
> "getmail6" which was based on Python3. A transitional package linked
> them by #979060.
> Now, the upstream of "getmail" has raised a bug in Debian asking
> "getmail6" to be removed or renamed and he claims that users of
> getmail6 are imposing a support burden on him as users are thinking it
> to be getmail and mailing the getmail mailing list. #996569
> I went through the getmail mailing list archive and could find only
> one such mail. I am not sure what to reply to him, and need your
> suggestions about what to do now please.
Debian is a wrong place to do this. And if not for the trademark violation
claims I'd suggest ignoring this. But the claims should be directed to the
upstream first.


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