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Bug#974856: RFS: klatexformula/4.1.0-1 [RC] -- GUI to easily get an image from a LaTeX formula or equation

On Friday, December 25, 2020 3:27:25 PM EST Tobias Winchen wrote:
> Did you try drag and drop the images e.g. to libreoffice impress? Via drag and 
> drop I get the correct effects, but not via save.  I reported this behavior 
> upstream:
I had not tried that, but bizarrely it seems to not work for me still and I 
can't really articulate the cause. Until I can get more debugging information 
or you can reproduce, I think this is minor, shouldn't block the upload, and 
could be fixed later if need be. There might be a missing dependency or 

Apologies if I said this before, but at start-up it prints to the CLI
Warning: libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
though I can't tell you what that means.

Are effects supposed to show up in the preview window? I've yet to figure out 
what they're supposed to look like. If I click directly on the preview after 
having enabled an effect, I get

Warning: ***** In function KLFUserScriptExporter::getData()  *****
        Error: Error running user script imagemagickeffect: <p><b>User Script /
reported an error (exit status 1). Here is full stderr output:</p>

This script is part of the Python argcomplete package (https://github.com/
It is used to check if an EASY-INSTALL-SCRIPT wrapper redirects to a script 
that contains the string
"PYTHON_ARGCOMPLETE_OK". If you have enabled global completion in argcomplete, 
the completion hook will run it every
time you press &lt;TAB&gt; in your shell.

    python-argcomplete-check-easy-install-script &lt;input executable file&gt;


It seems like maybe it's not getting command-line arguments due to improper 
e.g. "bash --help --foo" will tell you "bash --help --foo: command not found"
It's also unexpected that it prints HTML-style output both to my shell and in 
the user script log.

All of this could be trouble in my usage or with migration, so for lack of 
understanding on my part I think the package is ready if the sleuthing defies 
your understanding as it does mine. This too is probably an upstream issue 

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