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Re: My debian/control and possible-unindented-list-in-extended-description

> On Sat, Dec 01, 2018 at 12:21:17PM -0500, Tong Sun wrote:

> > My debian/control has the
> > possible-unindented-list-in-extended-description warning.
> >
> > I've checked back-and-forth several times but really couldn't figure
> > out where that possibility could be.
> Have you also read the long description of that lintian tag?
> > Could somebody check it for me please? I've post it at --
> > https://gist.github.com/suntong/f57cb2aeff58541ebab4f07d637ff86e
> Indeed lintian is right :)

Honestly speaking, I don't thinking this the correct attitude to help.

"Have you also read the long description of that lintian tag?",
"Indeed lintian is right :)" --
This, is not helping at all, for when people are confused, they are
confused for a reason.

> Also please follow the Policy reference if that's still unclear (in
> which case, I recommend you open a lintian bug proposing a better
> wording once you understand).

IMHO, laughing at the next victim and hope he is humiliated enough to
fix the problem is not the correct attitude -- if you knew the wording
is confusing already, you should have fixed it, instead of waiting for
and laughing at the next victim.

Again, I'm thinking that the the long description of that lintian tag is
really confusion, at least to me:

> contains an unindented line which starts with a dash (-)

while my view of my lines 30 to 45 are *already* indented with a
leading space, so they are NOT unindented & starts with a dash (-)

However, I'm not going to open a lintian bug. I'll wait and laugh at
the next victim instead, as it is happening to me.

Again, sorry about the venting.

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