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Re: Package EOL checklist

Hi guys,

Thanks for your answers.

> A project stopping development is not a reason to delete the package from
> the distro. Hence no docs.

My bad, I thought it was a best practice after a few years without
maintenance to do that. Sorry :\

> The first step when asking questions should always be to include
> details so that we know what we are talking about.

> What to do when a package is no longer maintained is highly dependent
> on which software it is and the particular situation around it.

Sorry for that. I had 2 very different use case:

* libmrss has received no upstream commit over the last 10 years and
the author confirmed that he won't touch it anymore. I'm fine
continuing to maintain the packaging part it's a very easy one! :) I
was just wondering if after a while I should have it out of Debian as
it already has a low popcon but Andrey already answered to that.

* asciidoc has made its last upstream official release. It only
supports python2. They made a new repo to make a python3 version but
as they pushed most of their contributors to move to asciidoctor over
time, it has not really seen any movement over the year it has
existed. There are some well maintained alternative like asciidoctor
or pandoc (depending on the task) that upstream recommends using so I
thought it might be wise to start to ask the packages that depend on
asciidoc to move to them before it starts to be a problem with the end
of python2 in the distro, hence looking for a proper checklist to
manage that without forgetting something.

Thanks for your help,

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