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Re: someone knows about https://archive.debian.net/

2017-04-22 14:59 GMT-04:00 Narcis Garcia <debianlists@actiu.net>:
Please calm down Piccoro.
i forgot that UPPERCASE means more noise. was not the intention.. was only to mark important things.. but do you note the response in bugs 859308 and 859309 i noted some dias ago reportbug (made in pytnhon argg) crashed.. due i installed the new version from backport.. so i couldn made reports .. i'll try to report that and the reponse was very unconfortable.... : 859308 see it! https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=859309#10
I also hope that snapshot.debian.org works for many time for this same
purpose, because some old machines can still be useful as they were
useful several years ago. Now i586-based computers will be unsupported
(it's ok) but I hope downloadable disks and repositories for versions
that cover i586 remain functional for many years in the future.
hey i understand that as was with 16bits, will past with 32bits.. but this time are different.. there's a long time way for 64bits yet! ;-) and google now try to set faster that with chrome only for 64bits. jejeje now its serious!

The purpose of a computer is not always to launch latest Firefox or run
a public web/mail server. A computer is often used for other old-fashion
tasks not vulnerable to attacks.
Not all people is "all day" thinking and working to defend themselves
from other's attacks, and for some people in the real world has much
more sense to reuse old hardware.

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