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libraries compiled with clang

Hi everybody,

gcc is the default compiler for debian, and all the libraries in the
repository are compiled with gcc.
clang is also in the repository. But if I want to compile anything other
than the simplest toy program, I also need libraries. Maintaining them
by hand is a nightmare if you're used to just apt-get them.

So, is there any official guideline for inclusion of libraries compiled
with alternative compilers into the repository.
I read recently that one of the BSD distros switched to using clang as
the default compiler. I'm not suggesting that debian should do that.
I 'm just trying to find out what would be a good solution to have the
same ease of use in debian for compiling with clang as we have for gcc.

I thought about the following alternatives:
1) have them in the same repository
  + easy to compile your app for gcc and clang at the same time
  - adds a lot of duplication
  - users might not know which versions of a lib they need
2) handle it like a separate architecture
  + good separation
  + maybe possible to compile without modification of the packaging
  - would result in n*m architecture/repositories
  - separate installation required (unless multiarch could suffice here)

Some time ago, I started by building some packages for the boost libs
compiled with clang. (http://blog.ulrichard.ch/?p=324) It's in no shape
to be included anywhere. 
I'm just curious if its worth continuing in that direction, or if there
is already a consent for another solution.


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