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Re: Bug#659047: RFS: rpg - Readable Password Generator

Le Thu, Apr 05, 2012 at 07:05:16PM +0400, Vladimir Stavrinov a écrit :
> But there no package named rpg.


I also think that we should refrain from using short and common names for the
packages.  That there is no package named rpg does not say that it is free for
you, it says that there was self-discipline and peer pressure up to now to
avoid it.  Package names need to be thought forward, not on a first-arrived
first-served manner.  In your case, "rpg-password" or other suffixes can
be used to increase the length a complexity of the package names.

To convey the pristine name of the software that is packaged, there are other
ways such as the "AppStream and Component Metadata for Debian" and "Upstream
metadata gathered with yaml (UMEGAYA)" projects.



Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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