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Re: Request for Review: emboss-explorer

* David Paleino <d.paleino@gmail.com> [2007-05-25 10:25:12 +0200]:

> Dear Mentors,
> I've created a package, emboss-explorer, part of the Debian-Med and
> Pkg-Emboss projects. It works, but I'd like a review to be sure it will
> work on an out-of-the-box Debian installation.
> You can get the package at:
> http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/e/emboss-explorer/emboss-explorer_2.2.0-1.dsc

Well, for starters the build-depends don't seem to be complete as the build

touch patch-stamp
# variables are set to avoid the creation
# of /usr/lib/perl5
perl Makefile.PL \
                INSTALLDIRS=vendor \
                VENDORARCHEXP=/usr/share/perl5 \
MakeMaker FATAL: prerequisites not found (Mail::Send not installed)

               Please install these modules first and rerun 'perl Makefile.PL'.
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
make: *** [build] Error 29
debuild: fatal error at line 1228:
debian/rules build failed

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