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Re: how long does it take to find an AM

On Tue, Jun 25, 2002 at 11:01:21AM +0200, Jonas Meurer wrote:
> I started my NM-process at the 5. July 2002, and it was checked by my
> advocate at the 10. July 2002. Now 25 days (more than 3 weeks) passed,
> and still no AM contacted me. I know that the NM-team has a hard job,
> but I just want to ask how long you have to wait normally at the moment.
> My advocate had to wait about 1 week, but this is a few years ago, I
> think. What about idle-time now?

>From http://nm.debian.org/index.php this morning:

Awaiting AM assignment:
  Count 11
  Mode Days 30
  Median Days 34
  Average Days 38
  Max Days 149

It takes time, but the end result is worth it!

Kevin Rosenberg (just assigned my AM yesterday)

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