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Packages with shared libraries


I was playing with XDelta 1.0.0 as an exercise, and I have questions
concerning the organization.

XDelta is made of a program (xdelta), linked against a shared library
(libxdelta.so.1.0.0 <- libxdelta.so.1.0 <- libxdelta.so), with also a
static library (this program uses libtool). There is also a man page
for xdelta as well as an info file.

Previous versions of xdelta had only two packages, xdelta and
xdelta-dev, xdelta contained the program and the shared library, and
xdelta-dev the headers and the shared library.

What I want to do now is (maybe that's not a good idea):

- ------
  Depends on shared libraries (libxdelta1, libglib, libz)
  Contains the program, the man page and the info file
- ----------
  Depends on shared libraries (libglib)
  Contains the shared library
  Replaces xdelta-dev

- --------------
  Depends on libxdelta1 and libglib-dev
  Contains the header files and the static library
  Replaces xdelta-dev
  Provides xdelta-dev

Now, the questions :-)

1) Man pages and info files
- ---------------------------
It looks like the man page is being included in the three
distribution. How can I prevent this?

2) Shared dependency
- --------------------
Is there a way to let xdelta know that it depends onto libxdelta1
because of the shared library dependency, maybe using a shared library 
mapping file?

3) Shared dependency again
- --------------------------
Since I have a debian/libxdelta1.files file, at the time of ldd on
xdelta, the libxdelta1.so library cannot be found and I had to add a
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=debian/libxdelta1/usr/lib before dh_shlibdeps. Is
there another way to do this? Shouldn't it add this automatically,
getting this information from the debian/control file?

4) Links to shared libraries in *deb file
- -----------------------------------------
Lintian reports:
W: libxdelta1: non-dev-pkg-with-shlib-symlink usr/lib/libxdelta.so.1.0.0 usr/lib/libxdelta.so
What should I do about this?

Thanks for helping me to make better Debian packages :)

- -- 
Samuel Tardieu -- sam@debian.org

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: latin1


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