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migration to htslib ecosystem 1.18

Hi all,

I kind of forgot an htslib upload to experimental in version
1.18 for like two months, and which had no excuses[1] for
lingering  like that.  I will have some time on Wednesday to do
things, and I considered the idea of bumping the htslib and
related packages ecosystem to version 1.18 to spend the time.

[1]: https://qa.debian.org/excuses.php?experimental=1&package=htslib

There may be turbulences in this package ecosystem if I badly
anticipate corner issues, but nothing outstanding stood out in
the past two months, so time for larger distribution I guess.

Have a nice day,  :)
  .''`.  Étienne Mollier <emollier@debian.org>
 : :' :  gpg: 8f91 b227 c7d6 f2b1 948c  8236 793c f67e 8f0d 11da
 `. `'   sent from /dev/pts/1, please excuse my verbosity
   `-    on air: Abarax - Journeys end

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