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Re: Switching repository branch name from master to main (Was: [Git][med-team/snakemake] Pushed new branch main)

Dear Rebecca,

Am Tue, Feb 07, 2023 at 08:04:01AM +0000 schrieb Rebecca N. Palmer:
> On 07/02/2023 07:00, Andreas Tille wrote:
> > Thanks for explaining your reason for the change.  I admit I have not
> > heard about this
> I don't know how widely accepted this currently is, either within Debian or
> more generally.

Ahhh, I assumed you might have refered to some Debian discussion I might
have missed.  As long as you feel responsible for this repository and
prefer this layout I'm fine with whatever you decide.  If it was just
your goal to not use the term "master" I admit I would suggest to rather
follow DEP14[1] and use "debian/unstable".  While I'm not sure if and
when Debian Med will follow DEP14 (it became a bit silent around this
DEP) its IMHO better to use something that is documented somewhere in
the Debian universe.  This is in line with the idea of doing some
automatic migration of our repositories since we could simply test whether
a repository is migrated or not by checking this branch name.  Diverging
from documented repository layouts is IMHO not a good idea.
> > our metadata should just reflect
> > this reality.
> I agree.  (The main reason most of my packages still have nominal Uploaders
> who haven't touched them in years is that leaving them there was free while
> hurriedly asking them if they still wanted it would risk accidentally
> offending them.)

I can perfectly understand that you are hesitating here.  This is a
situation I'm facing quite frequently since in more than 100 packages I
touched the Uploaders are inactive for years.  Some of them somewhere
confirmed they are inactive and than I remove / replace them and to make
really sure they will not be offended or even more to reward their
contribution I do this explicitly in d/changelog.

> > > I'm probably not the best person to maintain snakemake
> I do intend to continue maintaining snakemake for the time being (including
> packaging the new upstream release that just happened).  This was intended
> to be a statement that I'm happy to give it up if a more suitable person
> does volunteer.

I'm really happy you are caring for snakemake!  My personal experience
to find volunteers this way is that its not very promising. ;-)

Thanks again for all your work

[1] https://dep-team.pages.debian.net/deps/dep14/ 


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