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Re: mcaller - may be ready

Am 20.06.2021 um 21:32 schrieb Andreas Tille:
Hi Steffen,

thanks for working on this package.

On Sun, Jun 20, 2021 at 01:22:56PM +0200, Steffen Möller wrote:
Peer review and (if not too bad) upload would be appreciated.
help2man ./mCaller.py --version-string=`head -n1 debian/changelog |cut -f1 -d- | cut -f2 -d'(' ` --no-info > debian/mCaller.1
help2man: can't get `--help' info from ./mCaller.py

My guess is it works on your local machine and I'd like to repeat my
plea to build in a chroot at least once before asking for review.

Right. I had only updated the build environment but not actually run it :o/

Sorry and thanks! I saw a bunch of nice changes by Nilesh, and was also
happy when I saw that Nilesh had prepared the libmmmulti library last
year, you did libflathashmap, so I gave seqwish another look.
routine-update was busy with a version bump but somehow I did not take
the first (should be easy) hurdle of a pthread link error. Another day.
There is a submodule "gzip_reader" that we have not yet packaged, but I
would like to see how far we get without it.

These packages are from the "virus" tab. We truly need to finish some
more columns.

It does not help (or it does since this does not seem to have many
dependencies) that by reading my notes to the right of that tab, I was
pointed to https://github.com/ncbi/vadr. This seems very interesting and
still timely to have, so I added it as one of our workflows. If I get
this right then you use it to submit viral genome sequences and this
tool tells you what they are and is special about them. I had a quick
look at the documentation and this depends on the typical blast, hmmer
and cmbuild (== infernal) tools - we have all that.


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