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Re: Regarding LoRTIA

Dear Shruti,

On Sun, Nov 01, 2020 at 10:29:26PM +0530, shruti gupta wrote:
> With your support I am able to install and run the LoRTIA package

I think we should settle with some common terminology.  In Debian
terminology "package" refers to a "Debian package".  While for instance
GNU R calls those R code distributed at CRAN also "packages" the meaning
is different.  I guess you want to express you was able to install the
LoRTIA *software* successfully - but you did not created a Debian package
from this software.  Or did I miss something and you really installed
LoRTIA from some lortia*.deb package?

> I have run one test file which is generating this output
> shruti@debian:~/LoRTIA$ LoRTIA -5 AGAGTACATGGG --five_score 16
> --check_in_soft 15 -3 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA --three_score 18 -s poisson -f True
> ./test/test.sam ./output/ ./test/test_reads.fasta
> Sorting ./test/test.sam...
> Iterating over ./test/test.sam...
> Generating statistics...
> Sorting and indexing output...
> Counting coverage...
> Processed files saved to ./output/
> Calculating l3 feature statistics...
> Calculating r3 feature statistics...
> Calculating r5 feature statistics...
> Feature file ./output//test_r5.tsv is empty. There is nothing to do here.
> Calculating l5 feature statistics...
> Feature file ./output//test_l5.tsv is empty. There is nothing to do here.
> Calculating in feature statistics...
> ERROR: The specified reference file does not contain contigs
> from the references used for mapping. Supply the same reference
>  that was used for the mapping and try again.
> Could you all please suggest what I have to do next in this package.

Could you please confirm that you have read and understood


I think there is some advise given there.  Please ask here
about details on this page if something remains unclear.

Thanks a lot for your effort on LoRTIA in any case



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