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Re: Greetings for debian-med GSoC 2020

Hi Sao I Kuan,

On Fri, Mar 06, 2020 at 06:46:52PM +0900, Sao I Kuan wrote:
> Hi team \o,
> My name is Sao I Kuan and I am a Master student at Pukyong National
> University majoring in Computer Engineering. My research field is
> related with recommendation system for health care and Biomedical
> data. Since I worked with Ubuntu for my data distribution experiment,
> I have started paying more attention on Debian and libraries. I am
> used to do my research with the fully distributed clusters using
> Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark, and other FOSS software.

That sounds like a pretty valuable team member!  Welcome here.
> I am going to add autopkgtests for "python-tinyalign"[1] for
> understanding the workflow of the Debian project of GSoC 2020[2].

That's a nice target - specifically since the package needs a source
upload anyway.  Please do not hesitate to ask any questions you might
have.  We are a welcoming team and newcomer questions have preference.

Please register on salsa.debian.org and apply for the Debian Med team
there (or post your user name on salsa here) to give you commit
permissions for all team repositories.
> [1] https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/python-tinyalign
> [2] https://wiki.debian.org/SummerOfCode2020/Projects#SummerOfCode2020.2FUnApprovedProjects.2FDebianMedQA.Quality_Assurance_and_Continuous_integration_for_applications_in_life_sciences_and_medicine
> I am so excited to be an applicant of this project and looking forward
> to the new experience from here.

We are happy to hear this.

Kind regards



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