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Re: Packages needed for the bioperl restructuring

On Sat, 14 Sep 2019 at 11:25, Michael Crusoe <michael.crusoe@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 14, 2019 at 12:58 AM Andreas Tille <andreas@an3as.eu> wrote:
>> BTW, we should care for bioperl more seriosly to reflect the restructuring
>> of the upstream code.
> Checking their changelog, here are some other modules that have
> their own packages since the Buster bioperl release 1.7.2:
> [...]

I'm trimming the long list of modules. Many of those are not on CPAN
and have had no release since their removal from the BioPerl
distribution.  We have extracted those modules into separate packages
(and repos under the github bioperl org), set up their build/release
system, but very few of those packages have had someone then step up
to take over their maintenance.

Most of those removed modules appear only on the examples section of
the documentation.  Some of those examples make use many modules that
are not split over multiple distributions.  Others may make use of a
module on another distribution, but the core of example is not related
to that module and the module is only needed so that the example can
be self-contained.  Because it is not clear where such examples should
go, they remain on the BioPerl core documentation.


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