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Re: Bug#784863: Debian package for kmer

Hi, Brian,

On الأربعاء  3 حزيران 2015 16:07, Brian Walenz wrote:
> Hi, Afif-
> I (finally) added downloads for meryl and some others.  They're linked
> from the kmer homepage http://kmer.sourceforge.net/

This is great news. Based on the information you provided in your
previous message and the revisions you made at the time, I created a
package for meryl using revision 2004 that's been uploaded and sitting
in the Debian queue since about a week ago [1]. I meant to give you that
news before, but I had soon after been traveling and just returned.

> Documentation remains weak, and might improve in the next few months as
> we close out a few projects.

Yes, so I've created man pages for the executables that are part of
meryl. They are mostly made from the command-line help that you
provided. I've also added information from your sourceforge wiki to the
meryl man page and I created the man page for simple by checking the
source code for the options it takes.

They are the *.1 files available from the packaging repository [2] if
you'd like to include them in your source distribution. If you'd prefer
that I email them to you or submit it to your sourceforge patch tracker,
let me know and I can do that as well.

> You only need the meryl package: 
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/kmer/files/meryl-r2008.tar.bz2/download

Great. We have packaging tools that can monitor the sourceforge releases
page for new versions to help us know when we need to package an update.
Can we rely on that system to find future releases?

For the initial package, I had put in place a hack to pull the latest
revision from your subversion repository, but it's not sensible to
package every single svn snapshot.

Thanks and regards

1. https://ftp-master.debian.org/new/kmer-tools_0~20150520+2004-1.html
2. http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/debian-med/kmer-tools.git/tree/debian

Afif Elghraoui | عفيف الغراوي

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